Ascension To The Gods
A Continuation by Malitor Greymaulkin
Part Two

     Once again instantly zapped, Fujin reappears on a high platform, suspended in mid-air. The wind is blowing fairly hard all over, providing a strong obstacle to stand.  The whole scene seems strangely familiar, but he can not place why.  "This is getting too eerie for words" Fujin thought to himself.   About this time, Fujin could see an updraft; it was carrying leaves, branches, and what looked to be a blue Ninja?  The ninja landed on the platform, he was tall and wore a blue facemask, shinguards, armpads,  and oversuit.  He looked fairly peculiar and for some reason, Fujin experienced a major sense of Deja Vu.  The Ninja bowed and said "I am SubZero, prepare for battle."  At that point the Ninja went into a fighting stance.  Fujin returned the bow, and went into his own stance.

     SubZero ran up to Fujin and started throwing punches and kicks at him, luckily Fujin's training in the arts allowed him to block each of them easily.  SubZero, seeing that none of his punches or kicks were connecting, jumped back to get a fresh approach.  SubZero quickly gathered cold air about him and proceeded to form it into a ball, he then threw the ball of ice at Fujin. Fujin luckily sensed it coming and jumped straight up in the air as hard as he could. To his surprise, he cleared a good 30 feet!! He then started to float back down slowly. SubZero was aiming to take advantage of this situation and quickly gathered the cold air and sent a shower of ice straight up at Fujin.  Being suspended in mid-air, Fujin was unsure of what to do.  Wanting to get out of the path of the ice, Fujin started twisting, hoping he could gather enough wind force to possibly drift to the side.  Fujin started spinning faster and faster and faster, till the whole world was nothing but a blur.  SubZero noticed the tremendous air mass that was forming, it seemed Fujin was creating a small tornado.  SubZero was majorly unprepared for the increased wind velocity, and was lifted off his feet and flung into the sky through the vortex which Fujin created.   Fujin lost control of his spin and fell to the ground unconscious.  When he awoke, first thing he saw was Raiden standing over him.  "Feeling under the weather?" chuckled Raiden.  Raiden reach down to help Fujin stand up.  They now appeared to be back in the room with all of the candles.

     Raiden withdrew a small sphere from out of nowhere.  It twinkled and glistened in the candlelight.  Raiden waved his hand over the sphere, which then proceeded to emanate a bluish glow.  Raiden spoke "The next test will be a test of yourself, your inner mind and your resolve."   He then paused, "Look into the sphere and just follow your instinct and you should be fine."  "Please, let's just let my head quit spinning first" replied Fujin.  Raiden just nodded at him and laughed.  When Fujin's head quit spinning, he looked at the small globe, he felt his body become light.   The room began spinning and he felt as if he were falling down a long tunnel.   "As if I haven't had enough spinning today," thought Fujin to himself, "I think I'm going to be sick."  When the spinning stopped and everything came into focus, he seemed to be standing in a cloud; no floors, no walls, no ceiling, just solid white.  Cautious to take a step, he attempts to move forward.  He cannot tell whether or not he is actually moving.   Although beneath his feet is solid, there is no friction to indicate any kind of movement.  At this time, an idea pops into Fujin's head.

     Fujin concentrates with his mind; he concentrates on moving forward.  About this time, a breeze flows through the air.  He can feel himself moving, at the same time, the clouds start to flow and thin out.  As the clouds move from underneath him, he realizes that he is suspended in mid air!  He looks down and sees the earth many miles below!  All of a sudden, it comes back to him; his past, he can now remember.

     "Around one thousand years ago, there was a great war in the heavens.  All started by an Elder God named Shinnok,who became too greedy and wanted the rule of all the realms to himself.  After many centuries, he was finally defeated by a fellow god, The Thunder God Raiden, who imprisoned him within the confines of a place called the NetherRealm.  Shinnok possessed an amulet; when he was defeated we imprisoned his powers within this amulet.  The amulet was then hidden in a remote temple, set to be guarded by four Gods, one of each element. I was chosen to be one of those four.  The only record of it's location was kept on a scroll, long guarded by Shaolin Warriors.  In order to reach the amulet, one person would have to get past all four guardians; one such mortal did.  In that fight, I lost...."

     "But here I am, with memories that are mine and yet are not" Fujin said aloud.  Raiden then appeared in front of Fujin with a flash of lightning.  "Welcome back brother," said Raiden, "I'm glad you have finally returned to us!"  "I was hoping that the shock of being so high in the sky without any support would make something click within your head" said Raiden.  "Yes it did, but I still have questions unanswered," Fujin said, "Raiden, could you please fill me in on what happened while I was gone?"  "Sure," replied Raiden, "listen closely." 

    "Nine years have passed since your defeat at the hands of SubZero.  Since you are a god, you cannot truly die, but instead we had to give you time for your essence to revive itself, plus you needed a new body.  At the same time of your defeat, a young boy at the age of 15 died, this allowed us to transfer your essence to the boy.  Basically you are the boy, with his memories but now that you have reach the age of 24 in human years, your powers and essence have awakened inside your new body.  In those 9 years, your body has slowly been changing to match that of your old one.  Luckily we managed to convince SubZero to undo the wrong he had done, but alas, he is still an assassin and the blood runs through him.  I fear that the evil has tainted him beyond recourse, fortunately, there is another.  With the return of the amulet, we will once again need you to watch over it.  I feel with this new body, your overall power will be increased.  For now, I must start preparing, it is once again almost time for Mortal Kombat to take place.  I have a good feeling about the chosen one this time around.  I will call for you again, when the time for your assistance is needed again."  With that said, Raiden disappeared as quick as lightning (pun intended).

To be continued in Mortal Kombat (the video game)...